It’s the universe out there and in here.

Some days I write what I see and some days I see what I write.

The universe is fascinating to me. The world outside our doors and the world inside our minds. I am a bodyworker, an earth medicine practitioner, a healer, a writer, an artist, and a small business owner. I am a partner, a sibling, a child, an aunt, and an individual. Sometimes my worlds entwangle and sometimes they collide and sometimes they are miles apart.

The one constant is I take notes. I write. I’ve had this website as a blog more-or-less on-going since 2004. Sometimes it was commentary on my life or thoughts on the world, and sometimes it’s stories and snippets of dreams. It all matters. And yet, does it really? These are the things I ponder, sometimes out loud and sometimes on the page.

Healing work is my path in this life. I feel it every time I work on someone and help them to release pain and stressed muscles. I feel it every time I visit with a client to determine their healing needs and how I can help. I feel it as I work on my own traumas and pains. Healing work is every day and takes many forms. Massage Therapy has allowed me to work closely with the muscles and scar tissues for both my clients and myself, and the work I do as a Writing Facilitator and Earth Medicine Practitioner has allowed me to delve deeper into traumas that affect us all like stress, anxiety, PTSD, and more.

All of these techniques help us heal ourselves. I am the work-in-progress and I have days where I’m curled up crying and I have days where the realizations and understandings pour out onto the page and I feel like I can breathe sooo deep. There is no magic wand (oh, sometimes I wish there was!) or “easy button.” We just have to ask the questions and sit with the true answers and know, know, what it means for us.

So, this is the latest shedding of the skin for Cosmic Shifts. We’ll focus on healing and living with intention. We’ll find the humor if possible. We’ll dive into our ancestors’ stories and see where they resonate with our own and learn how to heal these old wounds so maybe they won’t frustrate us in the future. And we’ll write. There are lots more words to come. Thank you for joining us.